
Professional email with backup and friendly support

How does it work

Ware’s Email service allows you to obtain professional email accounts for your business, such as

During our 14 years of experience in website management, we have discovered numerous measures to achieve the best performance for the Email service:

  • Optimised SPF*;
  • Antispam filter;
  • Efficient blacklist and whitelist;
  • Automatic email forwarding;
  • Automatic email responses.

* In addition to avoiding the tilde symbol within the SPF, we make sure all IPs used to send your emails will be included, including the IP of your website or external applications. This way your deliverability is improved.

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How to read your email

You’ll be able to read your email with any of these methods:

  • Webmail from the browser
  • Client (Thunderbird, Outlook…)
  • iPhone or iPad dedicated Apple’s app
  • Android (we suggest to use FairEmail or K9 app)

We’d love to help you

Need help to configure you smarthphone? We can either help you step by step or look at our videoguides.

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